1. Students' festival "Aristotle"

The UL new students' festival "Aristotle" is an event where every UL student begins their study journey. Every year the event takes place on the first sunday of September, just before the first day of the new academic year.

"Aristotle" begins its march at Doma Square, where celebratory speeches, songs and the UL orchestra warm up the students before the big march, during which students demonstrate their belonging to their faculty and the University of Latvia with patriotic slogans, posters and other performances.

During the ceremony, the students of the University of Latvia have been greeted by the Presidents of Latvia - Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga and Valdis Zatlers, the Ministers of Education and Science of Latvia - Kārlis Šadurskis, Ina Druviete, Baiba Rivža, Tatjana Koķe, Mārīte Seile, as well as the Mayors of Riga - Jānis Birks and Nils Ušakovs.

The second part of "Aristotle" - the festive parade - starts in the Dome Square and accompanied by loud cheers, moves through the Old Town to the Alma Mater on Raiņa Boulevard. After the parade, in the main building of the University of Latvia (Raiņa boulevard 19), students are entertained until the very sunlight by musicians beloved in Latvia.

In advance of "Aristotle", the traditional Pre-Aristotle events take place in each faculty. The Pre-Aristotle events are organised by the Students' Councils of the faculties to bring the new students together, during which all students are prepared for the "Aristotle" through various games and competitions. The following day, the faculties march together to the Dome Square for the main "Aristotle" event.

More about "Aristotle": https://aristotelis.lv/en_GB/

2. UL Students' Sports Games

The UL Students' Sports Games are traditionally one of the highlights of the year in the University's sports scene. Hosted in late spring, the Sports Games bring together the most active people to spend time with their peers, friends from UL and other universities in Latvia, and lecturers before the summer break. The Sports Games were established as a tradition in 2003 to promote a healthy and active lifestyle just before the start of the summer session in June. Sports Games not only unite but also promote team spirit and healthy competition. Interested participants are invited to form teams of 14-20 people. To promote an active lifestyle, teams can participate in a wide range of sports: volleyball, football, streetball, paintball, folk ball, frisbee, and tennis, as well as tug-of-war, unconventional relays, arm wrestling and other individual endurance, strength, and agility challenges. A DJ keeps the competitive spirit alive throughout the games! Camping and meals are provided, and medical staff is available for participants. Winning teams are not only presented with shiny trophies and medals, but also with tasty and valuable prizes from the Games' sponsors.


You can keep up to date with all the latest news at: www.facebook.com/sportaspele

3. LU SP "Yearly Awards"

Every year, members, activists and veterans of the Students' Council of the University of Latvia, as well as all other UL students, graduates, lecturers, staff and supporters gather at the LU SP "Yearly Awards" Ceremony to reflect on the year's biggest events in the life of students at the University of Latvia. The "Yearly Awards" honour those who have organised the one best event, served on the one best Faculty Students' Council or, in one case, produced the biggest screw-up that was so brilliantly unsuccessful that there is nothing left to do but award it.

Who will get the prizes? If you are a student or an employee of the University, you can decide for yourself or together with your colleagues and nominate your candidate in one of the 13 nominations, each year the nominations and online application forms are published on gadabalva.lusp.lv

4. Autumn/Spring environmental clean-up "Talka"

When autumn decorates Riga and the rest of Latvia in different colours, it's a sign that the annual clean-up ("Talka" in Latvian) at the UL Botanical Garden is coming up! The gathering at the UL Botanical Garden, Kandavas Street 2, usually starts at 11.00, so that after morning tea and a few warm-up activities, the clean-up work can begin. Most of the time, within three hours, the workers manage to prepare the UL Botanical Garden for the winter season or, in spring, for the start of summer.

As we already know, it is quite easy and fun to combine the pleasant with the useful, so students are invited to bring their friends to get some fresh air, take a break from everyday study life and spend time with other students of the University. After the intense clean-up, the Council rewards the doers with a tasty picnic!

LU SP and the Botanical Garden provide: tools, gloves and bags, tea, a picnic and good emotions.

In recent history, this event is typically organised jointly by LU SP, The UL Alumni Club and the UL ISC.

5. LU SP motivational seminar "Icebreaker" ("Ledlauzis")

Starting in 2018, the Students' Council of the University of Latvia invites first-year students to discover 'studenthood' at the LU SP Motivational Seminar "Ledlauzis". The main aim of the seminar is to introduce first-year students to the Faculty Students' Councils system, and the possibilities of the LU SP and to motivate them for further work. It is important that after the seminar the participants have a much better understanding of how to work in student representation, have the first skills and have the desire to work in an SP and also in LU SP. The seminar is attended by up to 50 students from all 13 faculties and traditionally takes place in early October.