''UNICA Student Conference 2014'' LU studentu pārstāve Santa Zarāne

Tiek izsludināta pieteikšanās UNICA konferencei, kas no 4. līdz 7. oktobrim norisināsies Sapienza University of Rome. UNICA Studentu konferences tēma ir ''Towards a Student-Centred University''.

Iepriekšējā konference notika 2014. gada oktobrī Šveicē Lausanne pilsētā, ar informāciju par iepriekšējo konferenci var iepazīties šeit: wp.unil.ch/unica2014/ LU SP izsludina pieteikšanos uz LU delegātu vietām. Lai pieteiktos interesentiem lūdzam sūtīt savu CV un motivācijas vēstuli, kurā norādītas arī 3 tēmas no 10 piedāvātajām prioritārā secībā, par kurām pretendents jūtas kompetents runāt un veidot politiskos uzstādījumus (pieteikumus var iesniegt latviešu valodā). 2014. gadā pirms konferences bija jāpilda arī vairāki mājasdarbi, tāpēc piesakoties aicinām rūpīgi izsvērt savas iespējas un motivāciju piedalīties konferencē, lai pretendenti būtu gatavi veltīt laiku gatavojoties.  Prasības studentiem delegātiem: LU students 2017. gada rudens semestī (obligāti), labas angļu valodas zināšanas mutvārdos un rakstiski, labas komunikācijas prasmes. Pieteikumus sūtīt uz signe.skutele@lusp.lv līdz 27. janvāra plkst. 17.00! Šī gada UNICA Studentu konferences tēmas:  1 - Quality of Higher Education 
  • How to improve the quality of the learning experience? (European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the EHEA) 
  • Evaluation of learning instruments (Quality Committee) 
  • High quality universities with low fees: Is it possible? 
2 – Student-Centred Learning 
  • Concept of “Student-Centred Learning” 
  • Benefits of innovative learning for teachers and students
  • Challenges of innovative learning for teachers and students 
3 - New ways of teaching and learning 
  • Learning in the digital era: E-learning and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) 
  • Innovation and Education: Can universities nurture the creativity of students? 
4 – Fostering access to Higher Education 
  • Importance of diverse classrooms 
  • Student services 
  • HousErasmus+: What are the challenges international students and trainees face when looking for accommodation abroad and how to improve the situation 
  • National/Institutional policies/strategies for access to Higher Education
5 - Student Mobility 
  • Barriers for student mobility: Visas and socio-economic issues 
  • How to choose the university to study at: Are the international rankings used by students? 
  • European and international mobility for study or traineeships under the Erasmus+ programme: Benefits and challenges 
6 – Recognition 
  • Recognition of credits and conversion of the grades for exchange students 
    • EGRACONS: European GRAde CONversion System <link http: egracons.eu>egracons.eu/&nbsp;
    • PRIME: Problems of Recognition In Making Erasmus <link https: esn.org prime>esn.org/prime 
  • Recognition of titles for degree seeking students (Lisbon Convention) 
7 - Employability of students 
  • Cooperation with enterprises for the continuous improvement of education and employability of Students 
  • Impact of students' international mobility on their employability 
  • Hard and soft skills: Are European universities helping students to develop both? 
  • Formal and non-formal education 
8 – Greener Universities 
  • Greener universities: The role of students 
  • SAVES project: Putting students at the heart of an energy-efficient Europe <link http: saves.nus.org.uk>saves.nus.org.uk/&nbsp;
  • WE ARE PARIS project - <link http: www.weareparis.be>www.weareparis.be/&nbsp;
9 – Integration of refugees: What can universities do? 
  • How to overcome language barriers as an international student? 
  • Refugee crisis: Can universities do more? 
  • The importance of cross-cultural understanding 
10 - The Future of Europe 
  • Unity and diversity in Europe: The challenge of multiculturalism 
  • Student mobility and the enlargement of the European Union 
  • Europe's political future
